On Thursday evening Lake Wales Lodge No.242 held a Called Communication for the purpose of conducting an Entered Apprentice Degree for Bro. Blake Graham and Bro. Charles David Simpson.

The Entered Apprentice Degree Team consisted of the following Brothers serving as officers.

R:.W:. Phil Dixon (Worshipful Master), R:.W:. Greg Fisher (Secretary), W:. David Blackmon (Senior Warden), Bro. Donald Cole (Junior Warden), Bro. Shawn Perkins (Senior Deacon / Degree Instructor), Bro. Richard Schwarz (Junior Deacon), W:. Charles Welborn Jr. (Senior Steward), W:. Richard Terry Jr. (Junior Stewart), Bro. James Carter (Chaplain), M:.W:. Stan Foulke P:.G:.M:. Alaska (Musician) and Bro. Chris Trakas (Tyler). W:. Casey Fletcher of Tuscan Lodge No. 7 performed the Degree lecture and W:. Ken “Bear” Barefield of Poinciana Lodge No. 227 performed the Degree work closing charge.

For dinner Brothers were served a delicious meal consisting of sliced ham, mashed potatoes, corn and green beans. Thank you to the ladies of our lodge for preparing and serving the meal.

Congratulations To Our District’s Newest Entered Apprentices

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